Hi, I'm Tauri StClaire!

avatar of a girl with multicolor braids using code to fly a spaceship

I'm a Front End Developer that specializes in responsive and accessible websites and focuses on improving the experience of my team and diverse clients!


Sticky Notes App thumbnail

Live SiteSticky Notes App

Greenfield project, browser-based app to add, edit, delete, search for, and save notes to local storage.

Skills: ES6 | JSX | Managing Data Flow | Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Site
Unplugged thumbnail

Multi-page responsive website for a company retreat. Features Cards design pattern.

Skills: HTML5 | Media Queries | Flexbox | Responsive Typography

Tools: VS Code | Github | Photoshop

Live Site
Guess the Word Game thumbnail

Browser-based game utilizing Vanilla JS. Guess all the letters in a word before your turns out and you win!

Skills: Vanilla JS | Manipulate the DOM

Tools: VS Code | Github

Live Site
Grid component thumbnail

Responsive grid component made with CSS Grid.

Skills: CSS Grid | Media Queries | Vanilla JS

Tools: VS Code | Github | Figma

Live Site
Github Repo Gallery thumbnail

Gallery website utilizing APIs for UI and featuring details about all of my Github repos!

Skills: APIs | Manipulate the DOM

Tools: VS Code | Github

Live Site
Hotel Filter App thumbnail

Browser-based app to filter for desired qualities in a hotel.

Skills: E6S | JSX | Managing Data Flow | Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandBox

Live Site


Developer Skills

  • HTML5 logo Semantic HTML
  • CSS3 logo Flexbox and CSS Grid
  • git logo Git Version Control
  • JavaScript logo Vanilla JS, ES6, JSX
  • API Apache logo APIs
  • Sass logo Sass
  • accessible icon Accessibility

Tech Stack

  • React logo React
  • Chrome logo Chrome DevTools
  • Github logo Github
  • CodeSandbox logo CodeSandbox and Replit
  • Visual Studio Code logo VS Code
  • Figma logo Figma and Photoshop
  • NPM logo npm
Professional photo of a smiling latina woman with long dark green hair

Tauri StClaire

Hi! I'm Tauri!

My year of experience in front end development allows me to get my hands dirty so that I can contribute to some of the amazing projects I'm seeing in the tech world! I'm looking for places that will thrive with my coding skills because I am an inquisitive, big picture AND detail-oriented problem solver by nature and I have ✨consistent positive energy✨.

I am most passionate about projects that support the environment and contribute positive change to diverse communities!

I also love to hike, dance, cook, and play D&D with paper maps and minis! To use some terminology from games, I love multi-classing as someone with tech skills who has a background in customer service within medical environments and experience in compassionate sales as a Skillcrush Enrollment Counselor! I really value the human elements of accountability, transparency, and applying myself to get that good work done!!

I can't wait to work with you!